October 13, 2024

Using up the fabric stash

I have a lot of fabric! One of my grand-daughters labelled it as 'insane stash'!  13 years of designing for Craft Magazines meant that I did accumulate quite a bit! Now age is creeping on and I've slowed down a lot. All but one of the Craft Magazines for whom I designed have closed down. Time I used to work on sewing projects is now spent visiting hubby in Aged Care. I tend now to relax with either crochet or embroidery, neither of which use much fabric! 

Then there is the question as to what to do with all that crochet and embroidery. The wardrobe in our guest room is already chock-a-block full of projects I have made!

I haven't bought any new fabric for five or six years but it doesn't seen to be reducing much. I could just give all that fabric away, or leave it for my children to dispose of when I die. However, when I open those drawers of fabric, I see the potential of lots of pretty and practical projects and so I hesitate and close the drawers and continue to dream.

One day recently, I had a bright idea! One of our daughters manages her Church's Christian bookstore. Maybe I could make things for her to sell in her shop? Then the doubts immediately set in. Would anyone want to buy a hand-made item these days when there are so many very good factory-produced items available?  Would things I make be good enough to sell in a store?  Would my daughter be embarrassed about having these articles in her shop?

Daughter said, 'Let's try it and see what happens." As a result, over the last few months, I have been combining embroidery and crochet with fabric! Hot pad Trivets, Notebook Covers, Mini-Organisers, Bags, Pincushions, Mug Rug, Tissue Holder, have been very slowly reducing that fabric stash. All the projects are Christian-themed with a thought or Bible verse.

People seem to still like hand-made items and quite a few things have sold. It's a win-win situation - I am still able to enjoy craft, the designing skills are being used again, the fabric stash is slightly diminishing, I have the joy of donating to a worthwhile cause, and daughter is happy to have unique items for the store. Blessed!

Happy stitching!