February 5, 2012

Celebrating 500!

On Thursday, my follower button turned over to 500!  I am really excited to think that so many people like to read about my life and my craft. You are all such an encouragement to me. 

It was always my dream that one day my work would be thought worthy of recognition. I was over the moon when my first design was published when I retired in 2005. 

and I still like this project!

The last seven years have been an amazing journey with my designs regularly appearing in so many Australian craft magazines. The icing on the cake is to be able to share that journey with my lovely blog readers.  I feel totally blessed.  

Reaching 500 followers definitely calls for celebrations!  I've gathered together a sweet little parcel of goodies for a

There's this country version of my Herb Garden wall-hanging:

I just love the fabrics in this.

and a sweet little Etui:

  which looks like this when open:

(Accessories not included)

Then there's this gorgeous pack of 42 five inch charm squares of Grace, by 3 Sisters for Moda.

It is a totally gorgeous range and I had to think about ten times whether I could bear to part with it!

Then there are a few charms and buttons to embellish your stitching.

All you need to do to enter is to leave a comment on this blogpost.  Of course, I would love it if you became a follower if you're not already, or "liked" my Facebook page, or put this little button below on your blog and told your friends about it, with a link back to my blog - or did all of them! - but it's not a pre-requisite to enter the giveaway.

The competition will close on Saturday 18th February at midnight (my time).

How are you going with your "Thoughts in Thread" block?  Penny P has done a striking block in black and white:


and look at Sharon's lovely muted version:

Look out next week for Block 2.

We're looking after four of our grandchildren in their home this week while their parents are overseas on a business trip.  They're all at school, so hopefully there will be time to do lots of stitching in between all the housework.  It's a long time since we had six in our household!

Happy stitching!


B J Elder said...

I really have enjoyed following your blog and your designs are really great. Please enter me in your giveaway and CONGRATULATIONS on hitting the 500 mark!

Teresa in Music City said...

Hi Val, congratulations on 500 followers! That's really exciting for you! I love your blog and have been following for a while now. I have your Thoughts in Thread button on my blog to encourage my readers to stop by and visit your wonderful blog!

Bev said...

Love your patterns, Val. I've been a follower and enjoy your posts. Can't believe this is the first comment!

Michelle said...

Wow the first of your 500 followers to say CONGRATS on 500 followers that is HUGE!!!!! Would love to win your giveaway, have fun with the grandkids.

sunny said...

I'm happy to be one of those 500 followers. What a wonderful giveaway. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

Cool stuff, I especially like the charms!

WoolenSails said...

What beautiful pieces, you do beautiful work.
I haven't had time to do any extra projects this year, still trying to catch up on mine, lol.


Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies said...

Hey Val! Congrats on your blogging milestone! :0) Always lovely to see your pretty new designs ... you're right about your first published project being a cutie!! :0) Here's to many more of your designs spreading joy, happiness and creativity - Bear Hugs! KRIS

Ruth B said...

Congrats on 500 followers Val! I've been a subscriber to your blog for ages but decided to be a follower today so I am #506! Woohoo!

Anonymous said...

whow 500 Val,thats a lot of people,congrats on being so popular,and thankyou for doing a lovely giveaway to celebrate.xx

Melody said...

What a brilliant give-away prize. It's always a joy to visit your blog and sew your beautiful projects. Thank you for everything you share with us. I'll mention your giveaway in my tomorrow's post.
Congratulations on 500 followers. How fabulous.

robin said...

Nice giveaway! Congratulations on 500 followers! Wow!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on 500!

God bless and keep you,

Farm Gate Creations Incorporating Hummingbird Quilting said...

Happy 500th, I love your blog it is so inspiring. Thanks for sharing.

Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

So beautiful...I love the Etui!

Janet said...

So many lovely things in your giveaway! Thank you for all the inspirational things you put on your blog.

Anne said...

Beautiful pretties for the give away. I understand how difficult parting with these must be and you are being very generous :0). Congrats on reaching 500 followers. Your designs are always such a delight and certainly bring much pleasure to others...well done.

Maddy said...

Congratulations for hit the 500 mark....your designs are just beautiful, your blog a treat to follow. Put me down for a chance in your giveaway.

Grethe said...

WOW,500,CONGRATULATIONS!Love your inspiring blog and lovely giveaway for happy winners.
I have been a follower for a long time. Your super 4 blocks herp quilt-pattern is right here with the fabrics and all;so one day soon:-)

MyCretanlife said...

I have been a follower of yours for quite a few months now, in fact it could be about a year cos you know how time flies when your having fun. Please enter me into your lovely giveaway and happy 500th.
Best wishes
Judith x

Yesy said...

Felicidades, me encantaría participar.


Sunnybec said...

Congratulations on 500! I love the little Etui...never heard or seen one before ...would love one of those! Thanks for the chance.

Martina said...

Wow, congratulation! I am happy to follow you! Be blessed and thanks for the lovely give away!

Teresa F. said...

Congratulations on your 500 followers! WOW!!!
Thanks for the fantastic giveaway. I love your designs.

Briar Rose said...

congratulations Val, and thank you for the chance to win your wonderful giveaway, it is always a pleasure to read your Blog. cheers R.

Susie said...

Congratulations and have a lovely week with the grandkiddies!

Karen said...

Wow! What a cool giveaway - thanks. Well done on all your followers.

Lindi said...

Any one of those gifts would be lovely to receive! They are all beautiful.
Congratulations on your milestone 500. What an achievement! Well deserved, though, because you put so much effort into blogging. :)coulence

Marga said...

Me gustaria participar en tu sorteo!!

Béa said...

Thanks for this wonderful giveway, I'm already a follower and my birthday is feb 22 so finger crossed !

sandra said...

Congratulations on 500!. Please enter me in your giveaway, i'm a follower too.

Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

Congratulations on the 500 followers. I enjoy reading your blog and thanks for the chance with the giveaway

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Congratulations on your 500 mark! I am so glad I found your blog thru some of my blogging friends. I have done a number of your stitcheries/projects and have very pleased with them as well as gotten many wonderful comments. Enjoy your 'houseful' and hopefully some happy stitching.

Gill said...

Congratulations Val!
I've enjoyed being one of your 500 followers!

Susan said...

How truly generous of you to offer such great giveaways!!

Michele T said...

Congratulations on reaching 500 followers - that is awesome!! I am not sure how long I have been following you but it truely has been a joy filled with inspiration. Thank you!!

Bonnie said...

I am a relatively new follower. I love your needlework and am enjoying reading your blog. Thanks for the chance to win!

Kate said...

Val, congratulations on your 500th - well done!!!! I am a follower and have enjoyed your blog for a few years. I'd add your button to my blog if I new how, lol ... something I need to learn how to do.

Susan said...

Congrats on 500 followers that is terrific. Love your work and love your blog. Hugs

Donna Joy said...

I just found you and am following you. Such a wonderful giveaway , my favorite, herbs, button charms, fabric is looking mighty fine. Thanks,now to explore your site.

StitchinByTheLake said...

Val congratulations on the 500 milestone! I look forward to each of your posts and continue to learn from you every time. I love your herb stitchery - a couple of years ago I made a quilt with embroidered herb blocks and it's my favorite quilt I've ever done so I'm a bit partial to herbs. :) blessings, marlene

Shebandowan said...

Congratulations! I enjoy your blog very much. Thanks for the opportunity to win your giveaway. The prizes are fantastic.


Allie said...

Congratulations, Val!!! I'm so pleased I found your blog [can't even remember how long ago!], you're one of my favorite designers and one of the sweetest people I know. What a LOVELY give-away! I'll be happy to put your button on my blog. I love the different versions of your design - I think I love the muted colors the best, that gives me an idea for some fabric I have in my own stash. Enjoy your week, and your stitching while the grands are at school!!!

Monica said...

Congrats! 500 followers is awesome! I've enjoyed being one of them for a long time now.

Teri said...

I am a follower..... and have been for quilt a while.....what a wonderful giveaway... Congrats on hitting 500.

Odette said...

Muchas felicidades por sus 500 seguidoras,tiene buenos y tan divertidos trabajos que es un placer venir a visitar su blog....muchas gracias por hacernos participes de su felicidad y de tan lindos regalos.
Bendiciones y saludos desde Chile



Felicidades por el número 500 de seguidores que disfrutan de su blog!!
Me agrada participar en su sorteo.

KaHolly said...

Congratulations, Val!! How very exciting for you. And for all of us, thanks for the give-away. You are most generous. Your blog has been such a delight and so full of inspiration. ~karen

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Val! I'm really enjoying being a follower. Your designs are so lovely.

Marsha B said...

Congratulations on having 500 followers, that is wonderful! I have enjoyed your blog since I first found it and I love your patterns and designs. Thank you for a chance in your giveaway. I hope you enjoy many more years of designing and blogging, have fun and enjoy your success!

Cheryl said...

Congrats on 500! Wow that's a big accomplishment. So nice to find your blog and see all the lovely things you do...came from Allie's blog!

Diane H said...

Thanks so much for a chance, Val.
What a lovely giveaway and a big congratulations on 500! I've put your giveaway button on my blog.

Sheila said...

Congratulations Val, I love your designs and have been a happy follower for a while now.

Quilting "b" said...

Congratulations on 500 followers. I am happy to be one of them. Please enter me into your wonderful giveaway

Catskill Quilter said...

Congrats on hitting 500! This is a lovely, lovely giveaway!

Kathy MacKie said...

500, cool. I am a new follower and thanks for the awesome giveaway.

Sue from Cyprus said...

Yipee, 500 followers! Well done Val. Now you know what to do.... put my name in the hat and pull it out again (:>).
Have a great Sunday!
Hugs, Sue from Cyprus x x x

Winona said...

I just became a follower. I love your BOM. So pretty. Please enter me in your wonderful giveaway.

quiltercaroline said...

Congratulations Val. I do follow you but using Google Reader so probably don't show up on the numbers - you may have quite a few more people who follow you than the 500! As always love the things you make and do. Best wishes C

Jocelyn said...

Congratulations!! You do such beautiful work. Thanks for such a generous giveaway :-)

Brenda said...

Congratulations on the 500 followers!
I have been following and am still planning on starting the QAL. I have the background fabric bought and think I have decided on a layer cake which I need to get on order before I get too far behind!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I love being a follower as well, and adore your designs.

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

That is a sweet little Etui. It will bring a smile to whomever is lucky enough to win.

LesQuilts said...

Hi Val!
What a wonderful Giveaway and the reason for it! Of course you are at 500 followers! I've been one for quilt awhile! I don't do Facebook, sorrr, my email was pirated from there.
I have 2011 and 2012 BOM buttons on my blog!
The little Etui design is wonderful, as are the other gifts!
Congratulations and take care, Leslie

Verna G said...

Have just become a follower! Such lovely things you are goiving away and what a delightful blog.

Heike said...

Congratulations - more than 500 followers. I like your blog very much and I visit ist very often. But now I am an official follower. ;o))

Roxanne said...

WoW! 500 blog posts. Quite an accomplishment. Congratulations.

Laura K said...

Congratulations! Thank you so much for the great giveaway. The items are absolutely gorgeous. Fingers crossed!

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

I just found you~ and am so glad i did! :-) I love to stitch and the herb garden is so cute! Thanks for the chance!

Gerda said...

Hi, I like to read your blog. I check in everyday to see if you wrote sone new item. Keep on going.
Greetings from Holland. Gerda.

Linda B said...

Congratulations, Val, and thank you for having such a lovely blog!

Annelise Pedersen said...

Congratulations on the 500 followers! Super! I like your blog very much and now I am a follower!

What pretty gifts! Please count me in!

Christine M said...

Congratulations on having over 500 followers! I can understand why. Your designs are lovely. I enjoy reading you blog. Thank you for this lovely giveaway Val.

Anonymous said...

I have just found out about your blog, but I will be checking back. Please enter me in the giveaway. Thank you.


VickiT said...

Wow. How exciting for you Val!! Congratulations on 500 followers!! Your work is just beautiful and I've been a follower for quite awhile now. Thank you for all the great posts and things you so freely give to us all.

Loralynn said...

Congrats on reaching 500!

Terry said...

Hi Val, 500 WOW!!! Been an unofficial follower for quite sometime, so I just made it official :) Love all your work and have taken part in several of your projects. Would love to be entered in your give away:)

Rosa said...

Congratulations.I`m one of your 500 happy followers!!

Have fun week with your grandchildren.

c said...

Major Congradulations
I adore that charm pack, I wanted to make a quilt out of that for very long time. Thank you for all you do, and yes I do follow your blog already.

Carrie P. said...

Congrats on 500 followers. That is awesome. I am here from Allie-Oops Sweet Happy life blog. I am new to your blog and have been seeing your free BOM done on other blogs. Such a sweet BOM.
If my name should be drawn I would love for you to send the giveaway to Allie. I know she is a follower. Since I am new to your blog I would feel right getting the prize. Your work is lovely.

Marilyn said...

Well done on that bloggy milestone - not that anyone would be surprised, as your work is so beautiful so we need to keep coming back to see what you are up to.
Love your new BOM, even though mine is still in my want to do list until I manage to catch up on some other things.
Have a lovely week.

Joy Belle said...

Congrats Val on reaching 500. There is probably more than that, those who don't know how to officially follow you. Very generous of you to have more giveaways - your work is so lovely.

Blessings, Joy

Jenny of Elefantz said...

As always you are so very generous, dear Val! I have blogged about your BOM and your giveaway today. :-)

Doniene said...

Just found your blog and I love it!! Such wonderful projects. I am now a follower and would love to be entered in your wonderful giveaway!


Ondrea said...

Congratulations Val! You deserve it! You have designed so many pretty things and also love to share with us. Thankyou for the opportunity to win .

Dolores said...

Congratulations on your milestone. Lovely projects and a great giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win.

Helen said...

Congrats on 500. have only just discovered your lovely blog.

Lydia said...

Congrats on 500 followers. I love your new BOM. Also, I enjoyed seeing your clock, now I know what time it is where you are. How neat!

Marcia W. said...

Congratulations on passing the 500 followers milestone. The violin blocks from your BOM are lovely. Thanks for the chance to enter your celebratory giveaway. I've enjoyed your blog for some time.

Buttercup said...

Congratulations! Happy to be a follower and here's to many more years of blogging. Please enter me in the giveaway.

grammajudyb said...

congratulations on 500 followers. I am one. have downloaded the Thoughts in Thread, have decided on fabric colorway, but have yet to finish block 1. guess i'd better get on the stick since block 2 is coming out next week.

Anonymous said...


Lee said...

Congratulations on 500! I love your designs and enjoy your blog!

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Congratulations Val! I'm delighed to be a follower of your blog! Your designs are simply beautiful! Wishing you many more years of continued success my friend!

OneOldGoat said...

I would just love to win this and will be following your blog!

donna279 said...

This is my first time on this site & I wanted to tell you how much I like your projects! Congratulations on having over 500 followers!
Please enter me in your giveaway-I would be thrilled to win any of those gifts. This certainly won't be my last visit here.

Kallie said...

Hello Val,

I just found your website and the lovely BOM you started from Jenny @ Elefantz and let me say I am SO glad I did. What a fantastic project and I can't wait to see it evolve.

I truly hope I win your give away as the items are amazing!!

Congratulations on reaching 500 + followers as I will definitely be adding myself among those numbers!!

Anonymous said...

I've enjoyed your blog so much, and am following along with your "Thoughts in Thread". Thank you for this giveaway and I'm clicking to follow your blog just now.

Kathy H said...

Congratulations on 500 followers. I am a follower an d enjoy reading your blog. Love your patterns. Have a fun time with the grand kids.

Quiltin' Sandy said...

Hi Val, it is always a pleasure to read your blog so it is not surprising that you have so many followers. Your designs are beautiful and so are your BOM's that you so generously provide.
Your giveaway is lovely.- The Herb Garden Hanging is great.
Thanks to you I am now a huge fan of Robyn Pandolph's fabrics, too. :)
BTW I already like you on F/B.
Good to know you haven't floated away, too! lol.
Bye for now, Sandy.

Nellie put the kettle on said...

Wow, what a lovely blog. Just joined as a follower and have "liked" you on facebook. It's lovely to come across fellow crafters who just inspire me, thanks. www.nellieputthekettleon.blogspot.com

marygabriella said...

Complimenti per il risultato raggiunto! Te lo meriti perchè sei davvero molto brava.
Posso partecipare anche io? Questo è il mio indirizzo mail:
Un abbraccio. Marina

Patty C. said...

WOW 500 followers - quite an accomplishment. I am so excited over this Giveaway. I am definitely a follower - I love your designs & your offering here is absolutely perfect - Thanks for the fun ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Val, congratulations on your 500 followers, there are more now I suppose. I'm a follower for over a year now and I love reading and looking. I wish you another 500 followers;-)
Greetings, Henny (The Netherlands)

Janelle said...

Wow Mum! Congratulations on 500 followers! Have fun looking after our kids!

Quilt Kitty said...

Congratulations Val. I love your designs & am currently deciding on my BOM fabric - these things can't be rushed. I am a follower here & on Facebook. Lovely giveaway, fingers crossed. Tracee xx

Moira said...

Congratulations on reaching 500 followers. I love your designs, just need the time to actually make them...lol. Am looking forward to many more of them.

Wendy said...

What a gorgeous giveaway! I love your blog and I love finding your designs in my craft magazines!

Gayle said...

Congratulations on your 500followers. I really like folowing your Blog and love your great ideas. I especially love the little

krislovesfabric said...

Thanks for the giveaway, I am a follower and am enjoying your free bom!

Jytte R said...

Congratulations with the 500 followers. I am one of them and I always enjoy to read your blog and get inspired of your fantastic designs.

Becky said...

I'm a new follower here and on Facebook. What a wonderful giveaway. I love everything in it. Look forward to coming back and reading your blog.

Anonymous said...


Saule said...

Congratulations on your 500 followers! Love your blog very much! I would love to win your giveaway.

Saule from Lithuania

frosew said...

Congrats, Val! I'm proud to be a follower!

Cathy said...

Congrats on reaching 500. Seems like I will have a long way to go.
I enjoy your blog and your patterns.

Kim @ Him, Him Me said...

Congratulations Val on your 500th follower. Your designs are really gorgeous and inspiring.

Vicki ♥ said...

Congratulations Val on 500 followers..but it doesnt surprize me as your blog is a lovely one and I always enjoy reading what you are doing. Your designs are always lovely and your giveaway is fabulous :) Hugs Vicki x

Anonymous said...

I have not started this years BOM. I have to finish putting together last years first..lol.I do love it however. Would be so pleased to win the giveaway. Congrats on your 500th. You can reach me at lillysstuff at gmail dot com. Thank you

mulauna said...

Hi Val, I'm not sure if I am a 'no-reply blogger' or not because I don't know what it is. I suppose I am because I don't have a blog yet. I'm waiting for my son, or someone with a bit more know how that me to help me start one. I download your BOM last week but I haven't started it yet because I am in the middle of an appliqued border on my current quilt. I am one of a rare breed of quilters who likes to finish something before starting on the next project. Please can you put me in the draw for your give away. Mulauna

Beth said...

Congratulations on reaching this milestone! Your blog is a lovely place to visit.

Thanks for the chance to enter your giveaway. I completely understand your reluctance to part with the Grace charms, but if I win I promise to give them a loving home.

margrethe.jaastad@live.no said...

Congratulations 500 followers!I am a follower to day.Your blog has been such a delight and so full of inspiraton.Flott Give Away en kan vinne.
Helsing Quiltegleder Margrethe Jåstad

Anonymous said...

Please put me in your give-away. I would love to win.jillfroelich@yahoo.com

Kaylee said...

Congratulations Val on reaching 500
followers, I am one of those first 500 followers, I visit your BLOG regularly to look at your inspiring projects. Please add me to you gorgeous generous giveaway.I will post about your giveawy on my BLOG.

Stitched With Prayer said...

Oh my gosh Val, what a wonderful milestone...well, 500 is really more like a huge boulder than a stone, *wink*, Congratulations!!! I have been a follower for, gosh, I can't remember but it has been a very long time, you taught me how to may bullion roses and rose buds. Thank you for that and all the emails helping me when I struggled. Whew, I have Block one cut out but I think I am trying to do more than my health allows just now as my stamina is so low, but I can't wait to see Block 2 of your beautiful Thoughts in Thread BOM. Thanks for a chance in your great giveaway, Hugs...

hueisei said...

Congrats on 500 followers! I'm new follower!

Valspierssews said...

I often visit your blog. I like a lot of your designs and stitchery. What a lovely give away.

Anonymous said...

Hello Val I have been a follower of yours for ages, fancy having that many admirers!!! Please enter me in your GIVEWAY!! I look forward to Part 2 of your current BOM!!


Jacky said...

Hello Val,
I really like your patterns. My sister has finished her garden days etui but I still have to start mine. Would be wonderfull to win it completed!
Kind regards Jacky

cpup40 said...

Congratulations on reaching 500 followers. I'm one of your followers. I love your patterns and hope that I can start on them soon.

kerry santillo said...

happy celebrations to you !! One word is gorgeous what a great giveaway, thankyou for a chance ♥

nlcalendar said...

Would love to win your give away.
Sorry I don't have a blog and am not particularly technically inclined, but I read your blog whenever I get a chance.

Susanne said...

Hi Val, love your new BOM, it is surgently something that I will plan to make this year, only problem is again time, in which shop can I buy that. Have a great day, best regards Susanne B from Denmark

Rian said...

Hi Val, So many followers? Wow! Enjoy it. Just as we do enjoy your blog and patterns. I hope there will follow many others.
Loves from a very cold Holland.....


Rhonda Cafe said...

How wonderful to know your work is loved by so many. Congratulations! Val, I find your work beautiful and inspirational. Thankyou for your kindness, generosity and sharing your amazing talent.

Teresa said...

I tried to leave my congratulations (500 followers is wonderful!) the other day but the system wiped me out and I couldn't get back in.

I am back as I am determined to add to the others in telling you thank you along with congratulations. Your kindness in sharing your talent, faith and thoughts is very much appreciated.

Regina said...

Congrats on 500 followers Val and thank you for the chance to win your wonderful giveaway! Hugs Regina

JudyCinNC said...

Congratulations to you - your work is truly inspiring and I am now a devoted follower. Thanks you for such a wonderful giveaway and opportunity to win. Judy C

heleen said...

Congratulations on 500 folowers.
Lovely give away

nicoledemana crafts said...

You are one ispiring lady who has fantastic taste I love your work, I am already a follower and love to get your updates.

Unknown said...

Well Val like lots of other things you sure do know how to put a present together.....All of it is lovely and sweet. Also thank you for your wonderful bom....I hope to win.

Robin said...

YAY 500!!! I just "liked" you on FB. The blog wouldn't let me join right now so I'll do it later. I love all your hand work. It is just beautiful!

Varga Györgyi said...

Congratulations for 500! It's not an accident :o) We love your wonderful projects fullfilled with love and Holy Spirit. Thank you for your work!

Laila L S said...

Congratulations on reaching 500 followers! I'm one of them and have been for some time. I love your designs!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Congratulations on all of your followers. I'm happy to say I'm one of the 500! Thanks for the opportunity to enter your great giveaway.

Sharon said...

Such lovely gifts, Val! So sweet of you to have a giveaway.

Linda said...

Congratulations on 500 followers, and thank you for all your beautiful work.

Anne-Mettes Oaser said...

Congratulation on your 500 followers.
Of course I follow your blog :-). Here is always something new and some cute ideas.
What a generous give away.

Anita said...

Congratulations on 500 followers, I really enjoy following your blog and I love your designs.

Annmarie said...

Good for you!! 500 is such a good round number. Love your Thouhgts in Stitches - can't wait for the next one. Thanks for the chance at a great goodie giveaway.

Sallie said...

Congratulations! I'm peeking in from Stray Stitches. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

congrats on 500!
I love you giveaway!

Susan said...

Thank you so much for the opportunity to win something you have made! The only way I'll ever have an etui is if I win this. =)

I didn't follow because, honestly, I always forget to check the friend connect site. However, those who have a sign up by e-mail follow, I always sign up. Then it comes to my mailbox so I can click over to read and comment. It's another widget.

I have linked your BOM on my quiltbom.blogspot.com site. A lot of my friends are doing it. =)

Mhairi said...

I found your giveaway via Linda G (Straystiches) and was amazed to find I was not a follower!! This has now been fixed as I love your blog and visit it quite often to see what you are working on. I love the little Etui - is is lovely. Would love to win this!
Thanks for hosting a giveaway and congratulations on your 500 milestone.

Deb & Mike said...

lovely blog, great ideas/projects.

Vickie said...

Congrats Val over 500 now,I love your patterns they are always well written,Iam with you on blog & FB,have fun with the grandies..cheers Vickie

Vesuviusmama said...

You are so very talented and gracious, it is no surprise that you have reached 500! I'm happy to be one of them!

magicthimblecreations said...

Val this is my first visit to your blog, but it won't be my last. I love your work. I arrived here due to Susan Nixon mentioning your on line class coming up in March with Patchwork Posse in the woolbuddies yahoo group. I hope to sign up for the class, but I first need to see if I can find the wool felt. I am just starting with wool, but can see many advantages to using wool felt. Peggy in KY,USA

jules said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win such lovely prizes. Your work is beautiful and inspiring.

KatieQ said...

I'm a follower. Thank you for offering such a lovely giveaway.

Anneke said...

Congrats!!! And what a lovely give-away, count me in.

Jan Thompson said...

I love your sticheries, and your blog. And I am wild about your bird. Hope you pull my name!

Ewa said...

Congrats on 500 followers that is terrific!
I like your blog very much and now I am a follower!
Thanks for the opportunity!

Wendy said...

Thanks for using Gods words to inspire your work. Wendy

Ria van Ingen said...

Wat een leuke Give-Away.

Hartelijke groet. Ria