April 28, 2013

Passing on the genes

My mother and father were both very talented people, able to produce all sorts of things with their hands, tackling concepts they had never done before, always with great success. I am so thankful they passed on the creative genes to me - there is something very fulfilling about being able to express one's creativity.  

Our four children are a bunch of high achievers and our 15 (yes fifteen!) grandchildren are a hive of creative, talented activity whenever they visit our house!  Of course I'm biased, but what can I say, the genes have been passed on!

For my recent birthday, one of our daughters, Janelle, designed a stitchery which her four children then stitched and Janelle coloured.  They definitely have the stitching genes!  This by 12 year old grandson: 

10 year old grandson's work:

9 year old grand-daughter's delightful cat:

and look at the fabulous back-stitching on 7 year old grand-daughter's pretty butterfly:

I am so delighted with such a lovely gift in which they were all involved. Don't you think there's a lot of potential there for the future?

My husband and I had a lovely week away last week with our local Birdwatching Club at Rainbow Beach, quite a pretty area.

The weather was perfect and we saw lots of beautiful birds: 

and something we shouldn't have seen - a car in very good condition - stuck in the sand. One or two incoming tides later and it was no longer pristine:

I haven't done any stitching to speak of for two or three weeks but I'm reaping the benefits of doing lots of sewing about six months ago, as a number of magazines are coming out now with my designs in them.  There are enough photos on this post already so I'll show you some of that at a later date.  And I have a gorgeous photo of a completed "Thoughts in Thread" quilt (my 2012 free Block of the Month quilt) to share next week.

Have a great week.



Christine M said...

You certainly have a very talented family. Everyone's stitching is just wonderful, Val.

Crispian said...

Shells, birds and water on the beach... but CARS!!

Ondrea said...

What wonderful presents to treasure from your grandchildren. I would be showing them off too. That pic of the car is not something you see every day- thank goodness! I hope it wasn't stolen.

Melody said...

Wow, what a talented bunch.

Angie in SoCal said...

You are so blessed and love. Those DGKs did a wonderful job on those stitcheries. So sad about the car.

Anonymous said...

Those are wonderful stitcheries from your grandchildren! I'm very impressed with that talent. I can't believe the car's owners didn't at least roll up the windows. Ugh, what a mess! A beautiful shot of the water, though.

Susan In Texas said...

Lovely egret (or is that a heron? in Texas the white ones are always egrets) You have a lovely, creative family. I especially like the butterfly. 8)

Take care,
Susan in Texas

MOMENTS Designs said...

That is the loveliest gift i have seen in a long time !
You have talented grandchildren ...they must get it from their Grandma ;-)

Anonymous said...

The grandchildren did a lovely job.
I wonder if the car's owner made an Insurance claim - do you think the Ins. co. paid up???????
