ser·en·dip·i·ty noun
the fact of finding pleasant or useful things not sought for
I tackled my free-motion-quilting head on again this week. I think I improved a bit so I gave myself a pass mark for this pointy flower, even though the spirals aren't brilliant:
I thought I would try stippling/meandering once more seeing I was given some very helpful hints from one of my lovely readers. There was some improvement but I still found it difficult to control all that quilt and move it in a smooth flowing meander.
I took a break and was browsing on the internet and serendipity! I discovered The Inbox Jaunt. The owner of the blog site, Lori Kennedy, had just written this fabulous article called "Why So Many of Us Can’t Stipple or Meander…"!!!
Suddenly, I felt normal! There are other people out there whose brain, eyes and hands don't co-ordinate in a meandering way! Lori has provided fabulous free tutorials for alternative background fillers and I am just so happy to have made this serendipitous discovery! So for now paisleys and flowers are going to be my norm ... and it's OK!:
Back in my comfort zone, it was time for some normal sewing! I had been asked to make some goods for grandson's school fund-raiser and found this delightful heart pot-holder free pattern.

Lisa very kindly gave me permission to make some to be sold by the school.
I had a bit of spare time so thought I would whip up a couple of quick bunnies. Becky of Patchwork Posse shares this free pattern and also was happy for me to make them for the school:
I've made a couple of other fund-raiser projects too but I'll show you them some other time.
A number of my lovely readers have told me they are keeping up with the free Keys to Contentment Blocks.
I hope you are enjoying working these stitcheries. Look out for block 3 next weekend.
Happy stitching!
Val, as one who doesn't/can't stipple quilt I think yours looks fabulous! You've got some lovely makes for the school sale.
Wonderful stitching ...don't be too hard on yourself with the free motion quilting. It is not easy for many of us! Your work looks fine to me. Those pot holders and bunnies are great.
Meandering is probably overdone anyway, so having something else in your arsenal will be great! Your bunnies are so cute, especially the fabric and face of the second one. You always help wherever you can. I admire that!
I have loved reading about your fmqing. I actually find the flow of meandering comes naturally for me, it's the traveling and sharp bits I don't manage- It's lovely to see how individual it can be :) Lovely bunnies and pot holders :)
Just finished Block 2 (though I did different wording), so all ready for number 3- just in time it seems :)
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