It's been a few weeks since I wrote a blog post and I'll tell you a little bit about why below, but meanwhile I want to show you Block 10 of the More Precious than Jewels Block of the Month Quilt.
When she speaks she has something worthwhile to say, and she always says it kindly.
Proverbs 31:26
Isn’t this verse a challenge to us all! People today are looking for purposeful conversations. There is so much going on in our world that anyone who has something worthwhile to say will be sure to gain a hearing.
This year, the word ‘kindness’ has been popping up everywhere around me. I think it has been my word for the year! It is so easy to crush someone by an unkind word but what a difference showing kindness makes.
Our BOM'ers have their new Block already, but if you want to join in the fun, you can do so by going to the
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Now for my explanation for the silence. My husband's health had been deteriorating quite rapidly over the last 6-8 weeks. As his 24/7 Carer, I was finding it increasingly difficult to lift him out of a chair, off the toilet, out of bed etc. and always had to hold him up in case his legs crumpled beneath him. Twice in one week I had to call the ambulance because I could not physically lift him, once off the floor where he had toppled, and the other time off the bed.
He developed a very prominent lean to the left, and two weeks ago it got to the stage where he could not sit up straight eating his lunch. He ended up with his head level with his waist and there was no way I could get him onto his feet. I decided I could not call the ambulance for the third time in 10 days, so quickly prayed and rang a friend who had offered to help if I ever needed it. They were not home! Frantically thinking of who else I could call, I remembered another friend's offer and rang them. They were not home either! Next I went and knocked on the door of our kind neighbour, and they also were out! I looked up and down the street to see if someone could help, but no-one was around at all.
I had no option but to call the ambulance again. The two paramedics took four attempts to get him seated straight on the chair. His blood pressure was OK and his other vitals were also fine. They hummed and haahed about what to do and in the end decided to take him to hospital for a checkover.
A few hours passed and I then discovered why God didn't answer my prayer and why no-one was home at the three places I went to for help. The Emergency Doctors discovered that hubby had a very large haematoma in his brain, so big that it had actually pushed his brain way over to the left and thus the debilitating symptoms that had been occurring for a couple of months with so much pressure on the brain. If someone had been home to help me lift him up, we would have just gone on with his getting weaker each day, and totally unaware of the disaster that was occurring in his brain.
He was transferred to a much larger hospital and the neuro-surgeon there managed to surgically remove everything that shouldn't have been there and left him with two incisions and 19 staples! It was touch and go for a few days in ICU as hubby took 37 hours to wake up after the operation.
I have never had so many people contact us to tell us they were praying, and family and friends were so wonderful supporting us with transport, meals, hanging washing on the line etc.
Thankfully God answered those prayers and after a two-week hospital stay, hubby is now home and doing quite well. I am still his 24/7 Carer, but happily he now has more mobility than when he went into hospital and I am hopeful of being able to care for him at home for a bit longer.
So if God doesn't answer your prayer, or says "NO", remember it is because He has something much better for you!
Val wishing you and hubby the best. Sending big hugs your way!!!
Wow, Val! I had no idea you were going through all of this. So thankful God allowed no one to be home at that point in time, and so thankful for all the support you've received since. As a nurse, I understand fulltime caregiving can be a challenge, but rewarding at the same time. Take good care of yourself, so you can be the caregiver as long as you are able. Praying for you both.
Val, what a blessing your hubby got taken to hospital. God's ways are not our ways.
Gracias a Dios tu esposo está mejorando. Tienes razón. Si Dios nos dice "No" debemos recordar que es a Su manera y no a la nuestra. Él sabe lo que tiene que hacer y lo único que nos toca es hacernos a un lado y darle las gracias por amarnos tanto. Recibe un abrazo lleno de solidaridad desde Venezuela ❤️❤️❤️
Numbers 6:24-26 I will be praying for you and your husband. I've been in similar circumstances and have been a caregiver for 37 years, both on 24/7. One was my own daughter and the other was my Mom. It's very difficult. God was with me through each ordeal and gave me humor in situations when I thought I couldn't go any further. He gave me strength, courage and a whole lot of blessings! I've shared your blog with all of my friends and know they too, will be praying for the both of you. In Christ, vera-
Wow, Vera, it is an amazing achievement to be a carer for so long. Thank you for your prayers for my situation - they are much appreciated. Val
Oh dear Val, I had no idea you are the primary carer for your husband. I only recall you posting positive things on here about your activities, not a word about his ill health. I am so sorry you had to go through that panic before you called the ambulance, but as others have commented here, it was God's plan for that day. I have been my hubby's carer for 20 years, but fortunately he is able to care for himself as far as personal care goes. My responsibility is to prepare meals, keep his clothes clean, take him to medical appointments and monitor his medications. Things might get worse as time goes by, but neither of us worry about that future. Just enjoy each day that we have together.
I love your latest designs - very appropriate for the times we live in!
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