We're all unpacked and are loving our new home! The first and most necessary room:
Our new lounge room:
All the pictures etc are on the walls:
The garden seat is in place:

I reckon we have not let the grass grow under our feet!
My husband, however, says he can actually SEE the grass growing under our feet - at about a rate of 1 inch a day! We had forgotten how quickly everything grows in the sub tropics! The view from our family room soon reminds us it is time to get the mower out:
I'm still waiting for shelves to be built in my craft room and I've been trying to find everything I need for the class I am teaching at the Craft Retreat next weekend.
Meanwhile, the mail has caught up with our new address:
Australian Country Craft has published my Christmas decorations - can you find them on the front cover?
Here they are on the inside:
And how brilliant is this? Hazel has already completely finished her Gifts of Grace quilt! Well done, Hazel, and thanks for sharing your photo.
Hi Val, So glad you have happily settled in. I've fallen a bit behind with My Gifts of Grace. Even with the great tutorial I'm a bit scared to give the grub roses a go. But the finished quilt looks so beautiful I will have to get my act together and give them a go. Thank you so much for so generously sharing this wonderful BOM. Making it has given me much sewing joy.
Your new home looks so lovely. Hope it is everything you want it to be - and enjoy that lovely weather!
Well done, Val! We've been here 3 years now and still have finished unpacking or hanging pictures!
Looking forward to seeing you next weekend :)
Well done on unpacking! and hopefully those shelves will grow as quickly as the grass does!
Love those trees. :-))
Looks like you're settling in well Val. Now you can sit back and relax
Looks as if things are fitting in very well in the new home.
Congrats on having it looking so great....so soon.
Glad to hear you are all settled in and the move went well. Now to get your shelves and get ready to stitch!
Well look at you!!!! Your home is beautiful!!! Very welcoming too. Love your Wishing Well! And your ornaments are just darling! Soak up some warmth for me, it's very chilly on my part of the globe!
Val, your home is beautiful. I love your colors and I'm so glad all your treasures arrived safely. Here you are getting ready to get your lawn mower out and we just put ours away and cover our air conditioner. Winter has arrived with a vengence!!! I'm so delighted for you that your decorations are in the magazine. I can't get the Australian magazines here but it looks wonderful. Enjoy your new home and though my shelves in my new sewing space are up, the rest of the room looks like a bomb went off. I'm headed down there now to see if I can start putting things right. I really need to sew!!! Hugs...
Hello Val, I am so pleased you are settling in. DH and I have just moved from Tamworth way and we are renting a little beach on the mid north coast of NSW. We have found a nice home to buy and we are trusting God that all will go well in our purchase. We have asked HIM to loudly shut open doors, if you know what I mean, if it is not to be. Our offer has been accepted and we are off to the Solicitor tomorrow. We want a quick settlement, the house is empty and ready to move into. It is such an important decision.
I don't feel like setting my sewing machines up at the moment, especially if the house buying is quick.
We had 150 acres near Tamworth, we moved there in 2002 from this same area that we have returned to. We now have two grandchildren, aged 2 and 1 that we want to see more and help with babysitting. We did not want to miss out on this special time of their lives.
Hope you get your craft room up and running soon.
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