Happy 2023 to all my valued readers! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends and that this new year will bring you peace and hope.
We had lots of family with us for a few weeks and it was delightful to listen to the conversations of our five-year old great grand-daughter and to spend time with our other three great grand-daughters, two of whom we had not seen before, being just a few months old.
How is this for cuteness overload?:
Hubby enjoyed the interaction with family members as they visited him. He didn't really know who they were but laughed and smiled with them and it was wonderful to catch glimpses of his sense of humour that he always had.
Now as family have departed one by one, it is time for me to shake off holiday mode, get the house back into order, and think about 2023.
You have seen sneak peaks of my 2023 Block of the Month design, but today I am launching Timeless Truths Wall Quilt.
Timeless Truths is a great project to use up your scraps and left-over jelly roll strips, charm squares, layer cakes and fat quarters. The Wall Quilt measures 32 inches square (81 cm) and consists of nine blocks with borders. As this is a "Block of the Month" design, each month a new block will be released, commencing in January 2023, and the final pattern which includes finishing instructions will be sent in September. All patterns will be sent in pdf format by email in the second week of each month.
I have titled this quilt "Timeless Truths" because each block contains a wise saying that was written close to 3000 years ago and has been recorded in the Bible! They are timeless indeed to still have relevance for our technological life in the 21st century. The January block has a saying from Proverbs 15:1 (New Living Translation).
Isn't there a lot of wisdom in those words? Can you imagine how little road rage there would be if gentle rather than harsh words were spoken or if a quiet apology was given if someone is angry with us rather than a prickly reply
You can join the 2023 Timeless Truths Wall Quilt BOM at the cost of a one-off payment of $20.00 for the year.

I hope you will join me in this programme for 2023 and share in the fun of putting together the blocks that make up this project. Each block has some sweet applique and plenty of hand-stitching - both of which give you opportunity to set some time aside each month to indulge in a slower pace of life, which is something I think we could all enjoy!
Happy Stitching
Hi, Val. OM gosh, cuteness overload, for sure. Just want to hug them to death - well, not literally. I'm so pleased that you had all those wonderful family visits. The BOM is so appealing, but I just can't start something new without finishing the many projects I have in the works. Have a great time - with family and quilting.
Those babies are just adorable, Val!! Your new BOM is beautiful! I'm glad you were able to enjoy family time during the holidays. I hope you have a wonderful year!
I'm so very glad you were able to spend time with your family, and to get to meet these two precious little girls. You are SO fortunate to have girls (I am trying very hard not to be jealous!). Most of all, I'm glad your husband could share in the fun of being together, and that you saw a little of him come back to life. I'm sure it was a wonderful time, as I'm also sure that the aftermath has felt like a little let-down. No doubt you are cherishing holiday memories, while launching yourself into this new project. I hope you achieve great interest and success. My best 2023 wishes to you.
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