July 10, 2023

Friends love through all kinds of weather

'Friends love through all kinds of weather' (Proverbs 17:17 MSG) - isn't that a wonderful quote? True friends will stick around through thick and thin, through good times and bad. What a great blessing it is to have loyal, true friends. The Bible certainly is always spot on where the rubber hits the road!

That's the verse that is quoted on Block 7 of the Timeless Truths BOM Wall Quilt. If you wish to join this project, even at this late stage, the cost is a one-off $20 which covers the whole pattern for the nine months.

One of my friends likes to keep me occupied when I visit hubby in Aged Care, so she is always buying washers and scouring Op Shops for thread, so that I can crochet around them for her. 

In the bundle this time was this lovely variegated thread. It looked quite ordinary on the spool, but it has crocheted up beautifully into this shell pattern:

I like to have a separate purse for my phone. The old one was very daggy so I whipped up this one in a hurry. I think it took me longer to cut out the pieces than to sew it! I'm so happy to have my sewing machine functioning well, after the earlier trauma. 

Happy stitching!


1 comment:

Susan said...

A beautiful block, and I'm so happy to have subscribed. One of these days, I have to stop making blocks and start doing the embroidery designs I've saved up! That's a great idea with the shell border around the cloth. It looks so pretty.