July 5, 2023

Wedding Fever!

 I've just had two wonderful weeks with lots of family around for a grand-daughter's wedding. 

I thought I was just hosting the family and getting prettied up to attend the wedding, but they decided I needed to be more involved than that!

Father of the Bride needed his tie narrowed - it was the absolutely perfect colour but a bit wide for the current fashion trend, so it was out with the needle and thread! Then the Bride's brothers had bought new suits and needed their trousers taken up. The iron also had a workout, ironing shirts, trousers and the Maid of Honour's dress.

The Bride's mother had grandiose plans of making herself a coat to go over her gorgeous dress as it's the middle of winter here so she needed to have something suitable to keep her warm as night came on. Pressures of work and home life meant that plan didn't eventuate, so she came down from the north with bags of fabric, thread and pattern and just a few days to make a lined velvet coat, in between a High Tea for the Bride, 21st Birthday celebrations for a son and making the wedding cake! 

You don't need to read any more to guess what happened! Yes, I ended up making her coat, with a lot of prayer that it would all turn out well.  I didn't even have my sewing machine back from the repair man till two days before the family arrived! Our daughter had SO many comments about her stunning coat, with a few requests for me to make them one too! She did manage to make herself the cute matching bag in time for the wedding!

My kitchen and oven were taken over to make the six cakes that made up the wedding cake, beautifully made and decorated by our daughter, and all gluten free, since the bride, her brother and her mum are all coeliacs.

The day turned out beautifully in answer to our prayers, sunny, pleasantly warm, and I loved wearing my pretty new blue dress!

After the wedding, I enjoyed having some more family stay with me and also had the pleasure of lots of the wedding flowers gracing the home. The bride is a florist, so some of the flowers were specially sourced and were amazing of course.

And now they have all gone home, the washing has been done, the house cleaned and I'm eating the left-overs that I find in the fridge and freezer, so thankful to God for the many answers to prayer for such a wonderful celebration as the young couple step out in life together as husband and wife.


Nanna Chel said...

Val, what lovely photos. What a busy time you all had before the wedding. I remember your daughter sharing about her gluten free diet at our simple living meeting before the family moved. She was very informative. I must be getting old as the bride and groom look so very young 😅😂.


FlourishingPalms said...

I'm smiling as I read this, fully aware of where your post was leading up to as I began to read about narrowing a tie, then shortening trousers. :-) It says a lot about you that your daughter could come with coat supplies, and you could whip out such a beautiful finish under deadline. Indeed, she looks wonderful in that green velvet coat. You're an incredible sewist! Lovely cake. Lovely flowers. I'm not knowledgeable about blooms, but those tea-dyed color roses are amazing. Your daughter and granddaughter are beautiful women too, with looks I can see they inherited from their mother/grandmother. Blue suits you! What a wonderful occasion with family! Thank you for sharing pictures.

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

Val, how special to be a part of your granddaughter's wedding in such a huge way! I know she will always remember it. The coat for your daughter is gorgeous and matches her dress and bag perfectly. The flowers and cake are gorgeous! All the photos are beautiful as are you, your daughter, and your granddaughter. Thanks for sharing this special occasion with us!

Susan said...

What a lovely day/ week or so - glad you were able to get all the sewing done in time. It's a gorgeous coat - but not quick to make I am sure.