March 22, 2024

Emotional Roller Coaster

I've never been a person who seeks the thrill of one of those amazing rides you see in theme parks! My limit is a ferris wheel, rather than a roller coaster! 

However, last week I had to get on board an emotional roller coaster - a ride that wasn't planned, desired, or enjoyed, but a ride when I knew Jesus was with me and a journey that eventually came out of the tunnel into the sunlight. 

Covid is pretty much 'ho hum' these days. It's never going to go away' you can still catch it in spite of vaccination; there's anti virals to take and generally most cases are mild. However, put it into an Aged Care home, and it is a very different story. 

Thursday a week ago, when I went to see hubby, he obviously wasn't well. He had been tested for Covid but was negative. I talked to the nurse who took another test and yes he was positive and anti-virals were commenced. He had had covid before and had no problems so you can imagine the shock when I had a phone call the next day to say he had deteriorated dramatically and they had him on oxygen. Then the nurse started talking about advanced health directives and that he was at the stage where I needed to agree that they wouldn't try to keep him alive but would make him comfortable in his last few days!

I let all the children know and raced in to see him. He was VERY sick, cold to touch and had this terrible gurgly rattly breathing. He was more or less in a coma, but did squeeze my hand once as I spoke to him. The medicos told me there was no hope that he would pull through and so they put him into palliative care, assuring me they would do everything in their power to make him comfortable. I knew I needed to accept that it was his time to go to meet Jesus whom he had loved and served all our married life.

Our daughter who lives in Japan packed her bag in 10 minutes and caught the first plane out to Australia, arriving early the next morning. We headed off to the Aged Care, not knowing what to expect. Amazingly his breathing had quitened down and sounded fairly normal. When we saw him open his eyes for a brief moment we were really surprised. You can imagine the huge surprise when we found out that he had eaten porridge, egg and yoghurt & fruit for breakfast.

We stayed with him all day in our PPE gear and hour by hour he seemed to improve. He ate a fair bit of his dinner, enjoyed his afternoon tea and started trying to pull the oxygen out! By the next morning, he was off oxygen and all his vital signs were OK! A week later, he has proved them all wrong, and he is back to what he was before all the drama. He maybe is a bit sleepier than usual, occasionally has a slight cough, but apart from that, in his awake moments he is alert, bright and happy, with plenty of interaction! Needless to say, we are so thankful that he is with us for a little bit longer. 

24 out of the 26 residents in the Aged Care Wing have now contracted Covid. It's impossible to control it in a Dementia Area where there is no understanding or remembrance of rules like 'Stay in your room'! We are praying that we won't get it too!

So it's sure been a roller coaster of emotions and a growing and learning experience as well as I trust his life and mine to Jesus. Needless to say, there hasn't been much craft done, but hopefully next time there might be something to show!



Muis said...

I am so happy your husband’s health improved so quickly.🌷❣️
It is wonderful to read your testimony of faith!🙏🏼
Thank you for sharing that🤩💖

Carole Coomber said...

So pleased to hear your husband has come through this and to hear how Jesus has been the one in who you put your trust. Bless you and your family.

KatieQ said...

Thank you for sharing your experience. You have shown us something. Your love for your husband and your unwavering faith in God. No stitching can ever match that. Have a Blessed Easter.

april dawn said...

Oh my! What a roller coaster indeed. I’m so happy he is doing so well. Reading this made me cry. First for the thought that he wouldn't make it. And second that God pull him out of it. I love it when God confounds the “professionals” I’m so happy for the blessing your family has received.

ButterZ said...

Yestsure has been a roller coaster. Happy for you and your family that dear hubby is doing much better.

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

Hi Val, I'm so sorry you had to ride the roller coaster. You are correct in your assessment of Covid, it's like the flu - here to stay, and more like the flu than most realize. I don't know if he had the vax or not, but in my research it seems those who received the vax tend to get it more than those who haven't. At any rate, so thankful the outcome was not what it was thought to be, and you have more time to spend with him. Wishing you a most blessed Easter, my friend. As you know, faith can move mountains!

FlourishingPalms said...

Oh my Val! What an ordeal for you, your family, and your dear husband! I can imagine, because my Dad is in similar circumstances, that COVID is still concerning, especially in such a facility. In particular I admire and respect your faith - and that of your husband - that got you through this difficult time. Like you, I know and love my triune God, and cannot imagine going through any of life's challenges without Him. Bless you for believing. I join you in being grateful that He is always with you - with each of us who put our trust in Him.

Val Laird said...

To my kind commenters whom I can't contact, thank you so much for your kind words and support. I am blessed to have you read my blog.

Nanna Chel said...

Dear me, Val, what a shock for you all. I am pleased your hubby has rallied. What a blessing for you all. Chel