Evidently, the saying that 'Laughter is the Best Medicine' has been medically proven to be true! I find that I tend not to laugh so much when I'm on my own, but I did have a good giggle recently when a very funny TV presenter told her story of how she had read that raw egg was really good to nourish the hair. She decided to try it then spent the rest of the day in the sun, with the result that the egg cooked in her hair!!!
A couple of Saturdays ago I decided to have a go at removing a few weeds in my cactus garden. It's a bit of an art to get between all those prickles and not get attacked! After bending down to pull the weeds, I was at great pains as I stood up not to grab any of those tall cacti to steady myself. They look harmless enough but are full of hairy prickles that are really difficult to remove.
What I didn't take into account was that I needed to lift my feet high to clear the cacti on the ground! You guessed it - I tripped and landed on my backside on the thorniest cactus I own and my leg collided with the other specimen of the same cactus!
I cleaned up my bleeding leg and everything was super painful for an hour or two. Over the next week, 90% of my 50 or so puncture wounds had healed well. The 10% on my leg were still sore, a bit red and looking as though they might be slightly infected. It was time to try out our newly opened local 'Minor Incidents and Illnesses' Satellite Hospital.
The triage nurse thought 'it looked just a little bit red' and left me feeling that I was probably wasting their time and there was nothing worth worrying about. The doctor, however, decided there might be a bit of thorn left in one of the punctures. After quite a bit of deliberation and probing, finally out came a 1.5 cm (5/8 inch) thorn!
Word soon got around and next thing there were seven staff all there to watch the action as there was thought there could be more! Over the next half an hour, cheering accompanied each successful extraction and disbelief at the sizes of the five thorns!
They told me it was definitely the most interesting case they'd had that day and they all had smiles on their face telling me I had 'made their day'!
And watching their reaction and comments gave me a good laugh - I haven't laughed so much for a while!

I've been blessed to have my daughter stay a couple of nights as she travelled through and then one of our daughters-in law also stayed for four days. There's always laughter when there's family around!
Hubby too has been laughing a lot lately so it's lovely to see him so content and comfortable.
Hope you like the photos of some of my latest creations.
Many blessings
Ouch Val, that sounds painful. I am glad the doctor was able to remove what was left behind. You might have to let someone else attend to your cactus garden in future 🫣
Ouch! It makes me shiver just looking at the thorns. Glad you went to the clinic and they were able to remove those nasty things. Your cactus garden is lovely even if it can be painful. Glad you had some family around you for awhile and that your husband is doing okay. I love your designs and if I ever get back my mojo, I want to make some of them. Hope you continue to heal! - Cynthia
Lovely to hear from you Cynthia ... and thanks for liking my designs. Best wishes, Val
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